The Art of Teaching Vinyasa – Mandala of Asanas

Welcome to The Art of Teaching Vinyasa – Mandala of Asanas

Enjoy over 400 photos and short videos in the Art of Namaskar and Solar Mandala of Asanas that cover 71 blueprint asanas, with written teaching cues for embodying each of the three-part vinyasa methodology for all pulsation, body, and rhythmic vinyasas and teaching energetic alignment of the core asanas of namaskars and of the blue-print asanas for each family of asanas.

Explore a segment of our unique Prana Vinyasa reference tool created to help teachers learn to teach the energetic alignment in the flow of a class through intelligent movement patterns and key actions highlighted by the “three-part prana vinyasa” transmitted within the live Mandala of Asanas modules.

For 71 Blueprint Asanas, we explore:
– Interactive process engaging visual videos and written teaching cues for the 3-part vinyasas so you explore teaching in your own voice from these visual tools and understanding alignment in the flow;
– A compendium of ALL of the key pulsation, body, and rhythmic vinyasas;
– Movements of Prana underlying these specific asanas;
– Root Sanskrit Meaning;
– Bhava and Somatic Poetry – the feeling effect that is inherently activated in that asana is also an effect of the underlying form and flow of that mudrasana;
– Key Actions of the Blueprint Asanas – these are the primary movement patterns that awaken the flow of prana and alignment within an asana from the prana flow foot patterns to the bandhas to the unique and common activations of each asana;
– Misalignments and Contraindications are the key awareness we need to be able to experience within our own bodies, see in our students, and then be able to offer cues through the three-part vinyasa and hands-on assist/enhancement;
– Visual reference of some of the Hands-on Assists, Adjustments, and Prana Vinyasa Enhancements are ways of helping (assisting as in a bakasana assist), adjusting (as in helping as student experience a shift from misalignment to alignment), to Prana Vinyasa Enhancements (a light or purely energetic touch which reveals the flow of Prana and balance within an asana)

Course Content


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Course Includes

  • 3 Lessons