Our vital energy is a sacred fire that we can tend through daily sadhana practice. Join Shiva and householders around the world as we enter a 21-day Vira – “potency, heroic transformation” sadhana period that will activate, transform and balance your being during the peak light of the year. Experience an expertly designed all-level program designed and guided by Shiva from the “Pathways of Prana Flow” creative and effective sequences for a weekly daily practice system including nutritional guidance and cross-training to cultivate our radiant embodiment from the inside out. Beginning with the new moon and completing with the Summer Solstice, we will honor the peak energy of light and prepare our embodiment for the joy of summer.
- Four 1.5 hour “Fire Element sadhanas” of Prana Flow Movement Alchemy evolved from the Foundation, Elemental, Manipura Chakra Vinyasa , Prana Vira Flow, and One Prana Danda Yoga sequence (30 minutes); collectively, these sadhanas offer a full-spectrum practice including Prana Flow Namaskars, Wave Sequences of standing asanas, core cultivation, arm balances, backbends, and hip opening.
- Solar Meditation, Mudra and Mantra from Tending the Heart Fire
- Meditation Sadhana for Fire and Water for balancing your vira sadhana
- Four short forms edited from the above sequences for more beginner practitioners or days you have less practice time.
- Prana Flow Prostration Practice for Sacred Training
- Two Body Mandala 108 bonus practices to cultivate core strength in a rejuvenating way (one from Daily A.M. Energy DVD with Shiva, produced by Acacia Media)
- Nutritional guidance for spring training